Monday, September 22, 2008

Truth Needs No Defense

Truth Needs No Defense

What needs defense is vulnerable and unsafe in need of constant readjustment away form threat, therefore change is what it represents as death
Change is inconsistency where all illusions hide from truth, but changelessness is constancy where life abides with all of Heaven in God’s Mind

The best defense is offense, but what you are is love not fear, therefore offense and defense belong not to you who seek truth, because nothing is there to fear for you who is consistency not vulnerable to hurt in any form or shape

If were you inconstancy within the world of change you could not be aware of life
See you now the madness and insane belief you change, for here salvation is wide open to be accepted as the truth

You cannot change you never have
You choose to change beliefs about yourself and what you think you are, but never has the inner awareness changed of simply being aware of life

Then must it be that you are life amidst the dead and death
Aware yes you are alive, and what is life but the eternal and the changeless?

Death is lack of life, not enemy trying to attack God, but hiding itself away from God because it fears that it never was real, therefore it will attempt with all its madness and despair establish the lie as truth and claim; death God made as well as life

God Who is the Source of life, created only that which never changes and never dies
God Who is the Source of perfect Love, knows not of change or death but only Life Which is forever changeless and eternal as Himself

Always shall Truth remain invulnerable and changeless as God created it to be
Seek not to be a martyr , but a miracle of perfect love you are

One who makes great sacrifices or suffers much in order to further a belief, cause, or principle.[Seek not to convert the world of your beliefs - namely the ACIM, the world is not real any way]

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