Monday, December 22, 2008

Why Are We Here?

What is our purpose? Who are we truly? It's the same question, just different form. What you want to do today, is let Me guide you to your peace. Which is internal condition. He who has come to dwell in Me has recognized himself as Christ. And who are you without your real Identity, but an illusion of your Self? What can I help you today, when you do not believe I live in you? What doubt can you bestow upon illusion when you doubt my Reality in you? "None" Then recognize that you do not exist and doubt what ever tells you are! Doubt was the beginning of change, and forgiveness is it's end. What you want to accomplish in this life time, is real advancement in your ability to really trust. When you really trust 100% then are you free to choose again. When you choose Christ as your Strength then you are not an individual but Spirit indeed. Spirit lacks nothing. It is everything. You have been told the same message over and over again. But still you keep on not listening to what I say. The timelessness is all you want. All else is but illusion of yourself. You ,made a dream in which you think you are a body. But really you are not. You keep on living here as individual when you have no where to be but Love. It seem complicated and unreal this journey to the Truth, because you still want what you don't really have. You cannot believe you change forever, and that is your way out. What is the changeless is wholly real and kept by your side at all times. You just need to learn to see its there at all times like right now. Have you come into the place of grievances and pain that you seek the Joy of God? Have you let go of all that is not true as yet? If not then seek you not the Light, but seek the darkness and be the one who is not it. The quickest way to know your Self, is trough discipline thought, which says; " I am one with all I see". You have come great distance, and yet the road leads no where but your Self. All endings will be remembered not in God, Who is the Endless.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Prayer: Back To The Mind

I come to You, Father with one intent; to awake and choose again for your benevolence and grace. I have forgotten Who I am, but I wish now to remember what I choose to deny. I have been wrong about my self, and therefore I do seek the power of my mind to choose again. May Your Light guide me to this holy place, and may your Strength abide in these dark and trifling times. I need Your Strength. I cannot trust my own weakness any more for I have failed myself indeed. Let Your Will be done, reminding me It is my own. Amen in Jesus’ name.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

This Is The End Of Time

Who has come to the Father has disappeared as individual and remembered his Self as God created Him. God is not an individual but a presence in your mind. He is the You that you forgot. But He is the You that you wish to remember. Once you have remembered God and His eternal Rule over your mind, you have been saved. "Salvation is nothing more than "right-mindedness", which is not the One-mindedness of the Holy Spirit, but which must be achieved before One-mindedness is restored."(T.4.II.10.1) He is in your right mind, right now. But you need help in remembering His Rule. We have come to do exactly that trough this vessel. The vessel itself is nothing more then just a device. And with time and practice, the mind will begin to perceive itself as the dreamer of the dream and not the dream - the body and the world. This then is the "right mindedness" of which the Course addresses according to our interpretation. This right mindedness is the way to "One mindedness" which will take you to the "Heart of God". "On this side of the bridge to timelessness you understand nothing. But as you step lightly across it, upheld by timelessness, you are directed straight to the Heart of God. At its centre, and only there, you are safe forever, because you are complete forever. There is no veil the Love of God in us together cannot lift"(T.16.IV.13.6-9). We came to show you and all your selves a way out of this experience of separation, which you currently see very real. With time and practice you will begin to see the essence within you as the Love of God, manifest trough form. And then when you are totally at peace, no more will you identify yourself ("right mindedness" - dreamer) as the body or the individual that you are not at all. Peace will be given you the instant that guilt hold no value in your mind. That is some time to come, but patience and persistence will get you all the way. Patience with yourself and others. Persistence with forgiveness, and all that you have learned will lead you out of fear and into your mind. Once you are the dreamer, realized to make the dream only then are you in changer of what it is you truly want; to continue dreaming, or return into your God - your Source. All things will be undone - are given into non-duality eventually. That is the reason your universe is disappearing. Jesus begun a process that will inevitably will be completed by all of us, in the dream. And there are those who walk the earth, and other places still, that you will see as blessed (ascended masters). When the world is ready, they will come to dwell more often and direct your race to its source, the mind, the dreamer. He who has transcended all illusion needs no time. And he who has become one with his Self, is he or she, who no longer is somewhere, but everywhere. With this in mind we take our leave, and bless you with the peace of God. Be well, for in eternity you lack not one thing.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

There is a way in which you view the world as gone and past. Past as the one behind you and what is in front of you is peace. Peace is a state that requires no change. And if you are at peace you identify as the changeless awareness of all. Now let me ask you a question directly to your ego self belief. What is it that you cherish in the world that you made? And what is there that you made in it ever gave you everlasting fulfilment and peace? You see the belief in individuality happens on its own as a desire for something other then God. And as long as you desire for non Godly experience you are bound to be stuck in this dream. This dream exist only because you wish this. And when you wish it no more, you begin to recognize the senselessness of the whole thing in its core, namely your belief in it. If the dream exists only because we believe it so, then the dream will not exist if we no longer believe in it too. Its very simple logic. If you want something you must first recognize what it is you want, and what it is required of you to achieve it. If you no longer wish to experience individuality then I bid you come to Jesus and surrender your whole self to his guidance, that he may teach you what you truly want. When he guides your every step you cannot be wrong, because he is leading you trough your right mind. When you have relinquished the desire to control your experiences only then you can be controlled by him. And in this relinquishment is your remembrance of Home - your one and only Truth, your God.
We love you all and may the Love of God descend on you and keep you in His peace. Amen

Sunday, November 16, 2008

What Do We All Want?

What do we all want? What do we all seek, but cannot find? What is it that you want more then Truth? These are basic questions that need your attention right now. How else could you follow a spiritual path unless you really follow what it says? Most of you at this time are ignorant of what is really happening to you, but that will change as well, as your intention is of greatest good. Which means that you surrender your desire for an experience that does not belong in God, or in you for that matter. You see the dream takes many forms as the Course says "Though the dream itself takes many forms, and seems to show a great variety of places and events wherein its "hero" finds itself, the dream has but one purpose, taught in many ways. This single lesson does it try to teach again, and still again, and yet once more; that it is cause and not effect."(T.27.VIII.3:3). So my brother and my sister I salute you for your efforts in discovering your real source of problem and therefore inevitably eliminating your desire for this wish of individuality.
You see "the dream itself takes many forms", but what does not change is the intention to hurt and kill God, therefore hurt and kill your true Self. I did not come to preach or teach, that is not my function. I came to show you another way of seeing what the Course is all about. If you really want to understand what has been meant in the great spiritual document; A Course In Miracles. You need be ready "question every value that you hold"( Now is your time of questioning illusions with Jesus as your teacher and guide. He will show you all that you need in your "Quest to forgive yourself" [which is going to come out as a book in the near future].
"You need do nothing" is a very helpful reminder in this world of doing. Re-read the section of "I need do nothing" in the Course and remember that you are not a body as you go along the path to Freedom. I cannot but emphasize that you do not exist as separate individual apart from God. You are one Self united with your Creator (W.PI.95.11:2) therefore you need do nothing. Tell yourself "I need do nothing" for the next two week every day as you would do a workbook lesson. Tell yourself "I need do nothing" when you pray and meditate today and for the next two weeks, and I guarantee you will see greatness in your presence as your pure and holy Self.
This Self need nothing because It has everything, and is everything. Peace unto the dreamer from the mind that is Awake.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Suicide and death

Today we want to speak of something rarely discussed. Suicide. Why do people take their life and throw away this opportunity to examine their existence and free themselves from it? Very simply it is because they still cherish individuality and duality. Those who decide to end their physical experience prematurely, are deceiving themselves that somehow death would be of better "service" to them then life on earth. If they new a little more about the mind, and the way it operates then they would instantly recognize that what they ask for is impossible; to escape illusion with an illusion. The only way for you to escape meaningfully would be to utilize and apply advanced forgiveness in this moment now. You see many of you believe in the nonexistence of the universe of time and space, to be a valid phenomena! But we assure you that it is no more then a figment of your imagination. As Jesus said in his Course, that fantasy and hallucination is a better way of explanation, then your current belief that it is real. When you made the universe it was with the intention; "I wish to be an individual - my own god separate and alone deciding what is best and worst for me". But what you do not realize is that individuality and pretending to be your own god is a curse. The most horrible experience there ever was. Being on earth is not a gift, nor is it a blessing. It is but a curse you laid upon yourself in dreaming. Now that we have destroyed your self honesty - your aliegence to your false self - we can begin to build a structure which is built upon the Rock, the Holy Spirit.
Now we seek a way out of dreaming and toward the light. How easily now it [illusion] can be recognized when you no longer wish it be apart of you. How wonderful you seek to be your Self, its the only worthy quest to forgive yourself. When you practice forgiveness the ego cannot deceive you or tempt you that you are a body. When you forgive you deny the existence of any illusions of duality such as your vessel - your body- to have any effect on you, the dreamer of the dream. The vessel is only a figment of imagination, it is maintained through past associations and belief in sin, which is individuality. What you want to identify with is the dreamer of the dream. Only then you are at the cause of your experience. And that is what the A Course In Miracles is for; to help you remember you have a mind. If you have a mind, which is very very powerful, then can you walk on water and move mountains. But when you realize the power of you mind, you will not seek to manipulate the dream because you will have no invested interest in maintaining its existence. What we are saying is that when you are the dreamer, the dream no longer is of a request - wish. So the only request the dreamer has, is to be Himself as part of God. All else dissolves into the nothingness in which it came. We no longer wish to enslave illusions because they do not exits. What truly exist cannot be destroyed or altered. What you need to focus now is not why you are dreaming, but how do you wake up! Sayonara friends and family, see you very soon - in your mind.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Him Who We All Are Apart Of

Him Who We All Are Apart Of

We come as one to speak to you. "There is no separation" is a good starting point in your healing psyche. Because when you start by acknowledging the truth, you can never be wrong. Also contributing to the statement will be; There is no world for me to save. I only need to heal my own mind, all the rest will take care of itself. "The need for time has ended you are here" means that you will make no more progress. Progress is for learning stages. He who has learned he does not exist needs no further learning, but the conviction of his realization to dawn upon him. And now you are ready to be convinced of your nonexistence as an individual, and the recognition of your Divinity within. There is no such thing as within and without, its made up. What you think is what you believe. And if you believe in duality you are deceived by your illusionary thoughts. This moment holds nothing to you, but what you wish it show you. And when you stop wishing to be an individual then can you see past the end of your nose, as they say in old Greece. You see your nose is too big at this moment for you to see past it. It's not that it[nose] is big, but your belief in your nose[ego] is big. So that is what we need to tackle - your belief is the cause of your suffering. Once you are ready to examine your beliefs and grievances that live in the past only then can you see past your ego and into your true Self. But first recognize there is a problem, then let it go by asking help in removing it from your mind, by choosing again to see with Jesus. You are in a delicate state, your consciousness is altered and you have no more past to seek your identity from. What that means is that you are able to see the present as it is, with no attachments or anticipation. Think about it, if you had no past, and in reality you have only this moment to choose in, you would be better off in a state of peace then conflict wouldn't you? Then why I ask you now, would you trade perfection for your ego, and claim it is your own? You cannot be not your Self. You are What you are. The freedom of choice lies in choosing to be your Self at all times. When the ego hits you, you refuse to go down the rabbit hole and follow an illusionary bait that the ego has set you to seek for. The refusal to compromise on your invulnerability is absolute, you should never let any one tell you that you belong in this world and that you are the body. These are lies made by those who still cherish illusion as themselves. You are free Spirit to be your Self, and any one teaching you otherwise is a compromise you should not attempt to accept.The lies are made by the sleeping mind, but it will awake gradually. The spiritual thought system in place such as A Course In Miracles, when understood and practiced, will lead you past you false mistaken beliefs about yourself and into the experience of being forgiven and totally innocent, which are the same. As you know we have no name, no gender, no species, we can be addressed at any time without limitation, by being honest to your true Self. "Thy Will be done" is a wonderful way of beginning your day. By being grateful to God for being Himself, and therefore allowing you to be, is essential. You are only because you are connected to God right now. If you wouldn't, then we wouldn't be having this conversation, now would we? You see God is a label for the un-labeble, a symbol for the nonsymbolizzable. When you call upon God, it is your Self you seek. But you have not realized that you have denied God, in order to exist as a separate individual apart from God. God is everything true, being eternal It cannot change or be changed. "Creation is changeless" as it is well put in the Course. And you need to seek your Self, more and more in silence of your mind. That is where It will make sense at the end. When you left the world and have crossed to the "other side", which only means you let go of the unreal, you can help your brother cross with you, as you. You see individuals have many abilities that can be directed with greater purpose and made to undo the belief in the separation. That is what you are here for. To deliver a message and be gone. Once you have transcended you need not be stuck. And even if you still appear in a body, you know that non of it is real. That is the real prize of Joy, to know it is unalterable by you or any other. Offcurse there are non of them really out there, they just think they exist, when in fact they only see themselves as they are not. They allow their mind to be deceived and projected into a world on nonsense and individuality, where all is white or black. You see we did not come to you because you wanted to awake, we came to you because there is no dream to begin with. You can see the dream, or the Reality that is. It's up to you. But let me assure you this one little fact which if accepted and practiced well will train your mind with nonduality - your responses in your thought pattern will gradually increase your willingness to be deceived no more. I said enough today, go rest and do not worry, it will all be gone very soon. I promise when you let me control your mind, it cannot miscreate, which is what you have been up to for the last billions of years. But now you wish to awake, and remember your mistake have never happened because this need not be so. There is another way which you are walking. Show it to the world, and be no ghost but a teacher of God. May peace and abundance rain eternally upon Him Who we all are apart of. In Jesus' name amen.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

The Dissolution Of The Ego And It’s Game

The Dissolution Of The Ego And It’s Game

We are all part of the comical game we call individuality. I mean it is a joke to think that people, or bodies, think that they exist outside themselves and are something unique and special. Hahaha, it’s all a dream you are having, my dear dreamer. You have no where to go, you have no where to hide. I even found you here. You cannot escape Reality and hope to be happy. It is impossible to deny Heaven and know that you are safe. And isn’t that is all you truly want? To be loved and protected, cared and cherished as one Son? That is your true desire as the dreamer of this dream. You have no other wish but to awake. I mean who in his right mind would want to experience illusions as part of himself, if illusions meant your death? You are crazy admit it now!”A little” A little, no. You are crazy and you need to be guided by the hand like little child to Safety. I see you have a question in your mind. “What am I truly?” You do not know as yet? I am surprised after all the seeking and searching, I’m just kidding. You are perfection which is all that is. But words won’t do the trick. You need to “see” it for your self. I mean who would be satisfied when he denies “real pleasure [which] comes from doing God's Will” (T.1.VII.1.4)?. Hehe, you are insane my little children. You are all asleep and thinking you are bodies. You are not. Do you want to proceed and release what was never there at all? “Yes” then let us begin our intense training for your mind, which lack the discipline to see the truth. All you need is “question every value that you hold”(T.24.IN.2.1). It’s that simple! How easy is the effortless. And to know this you must go through effort to understand you need it not. Effort requires change at some level. Be it the level of the mind, or the level of the world. They are both unreal. The only level is True Spirit. Which the mind serves. But the mind cannot be used unless he is willing to relinquish control over his thoughts and experiences. You have no control because you do not exist! What does not exist cannot be in control. You have no ego because you do not change. Need I say more. I will repeat this in many forms, until the dreamer will look at change and see no value in it. You who are the changeless need no change to know yourself, because you have no value in the changing. I mean yes, the change need to occur on the level of the mind, for you to recognize you do not change, but brother why to wait? You are your Self now. Wait no more for time, you have been wasted here. God awaits your return and claim your place among the Rulers of the Universe. There are no rulers here, for all of you are hallucination steaming from the mind whose dreaming. I am sorry to be so blunt but the truth need to be said. YOU DO NOT EXIST AS SEPARATE INDIVIDUAL. And if you are offended by this simple statement then you think you are one. You see how this virus has plagued your mind for a long time? Common, stop pretending you exist outside of Heaven and return to God. I miss you Company in my Self. You are my completion and I love you so. I do not see you as you are not, therefore it is helpful let me show you how to see your brothers who are split aspects of your larger self - the sinful guilty self. Ken Wapnick has all your answers. I am here to save you time. Would you listen to me now instead of future? “Yes” alright then let’s go on a roller coaster to Heaven, Where you know your Self as Christ.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

The 3 Major Ways To Undo The Ego

The 3 Major Ways To Undo The Ego

Since the separation has not occurred there is nothing to forgive. But as long as we think we are individuals separate in time and space, we have to use some helpful tools in undoing the blocks that obscure God to us. If the Course teaches that “A sense of separation from God is the only lack you really need correct” then the first and most effective way to undo the separation is to love God and remember God all the time. If you are capable of loving God, the true non-dualistic God, then you are moving toward your Self. This is the first major way of undoing the ego. Not many minds are ready to do exactly that, as Kenneth Wapnick, the greatest Course teacher, said “our existence depends on denying God”. So then it would be rarely indeed to be able to love God selflessly, which means you surrender your wish of individuality into the Hands of God and accept only what He gives, which is Life - your Self. You are not asked to be anything else but What you are already. But yet again you probably have still many block to overcome, just that. So let’s look into the second major way of undoing the ego; It is loving your brothers. Why it is the second major step is because when you love, in turn you forgive. What you love you are like. And if you overlook illusions, which is what forgiveness is, then you are loving what you truly are as part of your brothers. “Forgiveness recognizes what you thought your brother did to you has not occurred.”(ACIM.W.401.1:1) And so you are able to love your brother because he did not do anything. It’s so simple, when you get it you get. And what you give you receive. So that way you are forgiving yourself for what never happened. Great, let’s move on to the third major way of undoing the ego. Relinquishing judgment. This is the most difficult one to let go of. Why? Because it is your “defence against the truth”. It’s is a device in which you maintain your specialness and individuality, which don’t really exist in Reality. What you defend you cherish and think is valuable to you, but what you do not realize is that the thing you want you cannot really love! Why? Because love sees no differences. What you want is differences – individuality, specialness, and change. So the thing you want, which is specialness, you really hate. Because What you truly are is changeless and therefore unalterable. If you wish to experience duality that is your wish, but just to let you know: it’s an illusion. I know I know you heard it a thousand times. But do you really, really believe it? Do you live the principles of A Course In Miracles every day and every minute of the day? I bet most of you not. So let us help you get your head in the game and start undoing this ego trip we call life. It’s all just a dream we made up to run away from God.

The helpful things to remember when attempting to relinquish judgment is the following: That you do not want to judge because it hurts you. You need to associate pain and judgment together, that way it will be easier to let it go. As you will experience tremendous pain and suffering, when you build this association, therefore you will want to stop it completely. Another thing that will help you to get over judgment is forgiveness. Not the worlds forgiveness but true, seeing no differences kind of forgiveness. This forgiveness will quicken your way to God tremendously because you are acknowledging that God is Whole, at all times! You might say wait a second forgiveness is the quickest way Home to God. And that is true. Currently you are unable to use any other means to release your mind, other then forgiveness so that is what is given you. But there will come a time when even forgiveness will be left behind to dwell in the Presence of the Creator Himself. That is what we want for you. For you to really come in terms with yourself and remember that “you are doing this unto yourself”. Let’s continue our discussion. What is it that you want? What is it that you truly desire? Ask yourself now these questions and be honest, you cannot ascend if you have no honesty. Honesty says; I will hide nothing from no one, because I want to be free of guilt and pain and suffering. Honesty is the first step in undoing the ego. It states that “I do not know anything” and therefore this allows you to open up to the Holy Spirit, your internal Teacher. This is our first discussion in the many that will follow. Please stay tuned and come again as we have many helpful devices to undo the ego and remind you of your true and only Self as God’s Son. Peace and blessing from us all.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Meditation, Prayer: True Prayer

True Prayer, As Taught Trough The Disappearance Of The Universe(Gary R.Renard)

The purpose of true prayer is to deliver you straight to God without any delays. In this world of illusion, everything is a delay if it is not viewed as illusion and unreal. We need to concentrate our efforts in discovering the real source of the problem which is in the mind. The following prayer accomplishes just that. Once in a while you will feel guilty or uneasy when you come out of it, or during the day as an after effect. That is the result of an honest request to look at your illusions with Holy Spirit or Jesus. So they come up for you to look at them and let them go. If you experience not peace then this is your forgiveness lesson right now! Don’t delay your homecoming to God by dwelling where it is wasteful; “The world of time is the world of illusions”(ACIM.M.5.3:1). And so we begin to dwell where it is helpful for us to awake; the presence of the Creator, our God. We will make this prayer in 7 steps that lead to God and freedom.

Step one; Joining with the Inner Teacher

Step two; Asking the Inner Teacher to take you to God [“Take Me To Truth”]

Step Three; Seeing Light

Step Four; The Alter – Surrendering of idols

Step Five; Honoring your brothers as part of your Self

Step Six; Appreciating and being grateful to God

Step Seven; Dissolving and disappearing into the Heart and Mind of God.

1.Step one entails the willingness to be lead instead of leading. The inner Teacher is your Teacher and you should always ask His help in leading you on your way whenever you attempt to undo the ego and surrender guilt. The whole process of forgiveness begins with this simple step;“Jesus, or Holy Spirit, I request that you join with me in my mind and help me unlearn what I taught myself. Guide my perception and my thoughts and lead me where you would have me be.” Then you spend a while joining with your inner Teacher, respecting and honoring his presence.

2. Then you ask the inner Teacher to take you to God. See your hand and your Teachers come together, and you begin to ascend as He take you to God.

3. Now you see a beautiful bright white Light and It is shining and radiating joy and happiness, and you feel overjoyed and happy that you see this Light. You feel your whole being uplifted and carried over to this Light. You feel very cared and protected in this Light, you feel safe and loved. You cannot be hurt here. All is taken care of. You see all your troubles behind and now you step into this Light and allow it to encompass your entire being. You see this Light everywhere, there is nowhere this Light is not. You are glad to be here and you like it here. You feel at home.

4. Now you might see an alter that appears to you. Perhaps in golden white light. This alter is the place where you put all that you are ready to release and heal. Here is where you place all of your idols and false god’s before the Almighty God. You might want to say;“I would have no other God’s before You, Father.”“What is it that I am ready to heal and let go of?”Now you wait in silence. If the false voice attempts to speak first, and it always will, you have to not listen to it. Just ignore what ever it tells you are ready to let go of. And when you are being guided to really let go of what He knows you are ready, you will feel it so. Now place that idol, or thing,or person, in the alter. Acknowledge you made it and take responsibility for making it. Might be like this, from the Course: ”I have done this thing, and it is this I would undo”. Now you want to look at it with your Teacher and allow His forgiveness to shine upon it. Pretty soon you see it [idol] disappear into the light. Now it disappeared completely and you forgot what you were forgiving. The true effects of forgiveness is forgetfulness of illusions.

5. Now you want to gather all those brothers and sisters that you have taught and that have taught you, and join with them on the level of the mind. Say to them:” I who am as God Created me, am worthy of your joining now. And so I seek to do exactly that so I may recognize the Christ we are”. Today let this be the day when you proclaim your innocence and joy to all the world and tell it. “I am one Son.” See all your brothers and yourself become one as Christ. Be the joy of God and extend that to all the Sonship and say: “Let us all unite and celebrate our Oneness as one Son”.See this Sonship uniting and becoming one with the Light. Now there is no individuals. There is only peace.

6. Now you wish to express gratitude toward your Creator and Source. He is the only Reason you can be alive. Ego can never give life, but God can and is Life. If you are alive that means you owe your life and your awareness of being alive to Him. His gift is your own. Be the humble and thankful child you are in your heart. Open up to God and love Him with all your heart and mind.

7. This is your final step. Here you as one Son, with all your brothers as your Self, come to dwell in Heaven for a while. You come with nothing and you disappear into the Heart of God completely. Now you are forever joined in Him and let His Love encompass and direct your experience. You let go of all that is not of God. And you forget and pretend as if you where not a body and as if you where not in the world of time and space, and let yourself be carried across the “little gap”. Now you disappear and nothing else comes into your mind’s awareness but God’s Love and Being. You are Him, and He is You. Be His…

Monday, September 22, 2008

The Only Goal

The Only Goal

The sameness of your Father is your goal

The need for time has ended, you are here

You need do nothing for I live in you

You have come great distance from your Source

But now you are transported back to Where you came from to abide in peace again

What “will” is there but God’s?

It’s but a wish there be no God

But really it makes no sense to kill your God

If it were a possibility, life would cease to be and even dream would not been able to arise in you if God was dead

How foolish is your pretending act of “killing God” and therefore establishing illusions in place of Truth

There is no Will but God’s and that is fact

What could you be but His?

Where else would you rather be but where you are already?

He pleads you that you will release His Son and let Them be Themselves

Choose again my child, now you are protected

There is no fear of God for God is loving yes

And therefore it is yours to be Himself

God Is Good

God Is Good

What comes to the Holy Spirit is merely looked at and dispelled

There is no need to push yourself where nothing can seemingly be found

In nothingness there is no joy but only sorrow

The joy that comes from knowing God is the only worthy gift for you who are His Joy

The gift of perfect freedom comes with no strings attached

You are either whole in your awareness, or are you not

Who are you, what are you, why are you – all meaningless to God, What knows Itself as doubtless Truth

You are the Truth of God, there are no other gods

The gods you worship over your Creator worthy only to be laughed away as none of “them” exist in Him

Your God is still and quiet, asking nothing but you be your Self

How generous is He Who wills your good!

There is no good outside of Heaven

God is Good and Goodness is your God – your Self

The god that is temporal nowhere to be found once you awake to Truth

There is only one God and you are one with It

If you are one with It you are the same

And herein is your peace – to know yourself as His

Changeless Facts Of Life

Changeless Facts Of Life

We need to love God because He is our beloved Cause and we are the Effect

There is no need for arrogance and strife for you are humble and Divine

The true always stays the same, the state of constancy

The false need but correction in one fraction

The sameness of your Father extends to you as All there is

You need to look at fear to recognize it’s unappeal

It is but shadow of yourself that isn’t true which you are willing to undo

Your gifts of individuality and deceit have served no purpose but to make you blind, mad and miserably sad

You change not, no matter what

What can we want but be eternally at peace?

No answer lies but this

You need but question the belief of what you are, to realize the changeless facts of Life are always true

Be at peace now, you are whole and innocent as All

Helpful ideas to consider before and during prayer:

Helpful ideas to consider before and during prayer:

1) Before prayer calm your mind and recognize that your are attempting something beyond this word! Believe that this attempt will succeed because God Wills you to be successful in your attempts to come closer to Him and remember His eternal Love for you as His Son. All the power of God is with you, you cannot fail.

2) When practicing the prayers, mean every word as if it where your own. See yourself reaching onto God with these prayers.

3) Keep in mind that words are just symbols, and that behind the words there is an intention and purpose. Try to see that and recognize that this is what you truly want: To know God - To remember God

4) The purpose of every prayer is to bring you closer to God and your true Relationship with your Creator.

5) Be always humble and grateful. Appreciate that you live, not as a body of individual, but as Spirit Part of Him. You can only be alive if you are somehow somewhere still in communication with God. He is Life, and your life is His!

Giving In To Love; As a reflection of ACIM

Giving In To Love; As a reflection of ACIM

You are the Love in which I forgive my brother and myself, Father.

Forgiveness is the means by which I will recognize my innocence. It is the reflection of Your Love on earth. You are the strength in which I trust. It is not my own strength through which I forgive. It is through Your strength in me, which I am remembering as I forgive. As I begin to see, I feel the stirring of Your strength in me. And I begin to remember the Love I chose to forget, but which has not forgotten me. What could there be to fear in a world that I have forgiven, and that has forgiven me? There is nothing to fear. Your Voice speaks to me all through the day. There is not a moment in which Your Voice ceases to call on my forgiveness to save me. There is not a moment in which Your Voice fails to direct my thoughts, guide my actions and lead my feet. I am walking steadily on toward truth. There is nowhere else I can go, because Your Voice is the only Voice and the only Guide that has been given to His Son. As I listen to Your Voice, I am sustained by Your Love. As I open my eyes, Your Love lights up the world for me to see. As I forgive, Your Love reminds me that Your Son is sinless. And I am Your Son. Nothing real is outside Your Mind Father, that holds within Itself all Life, which is eternal. I am life, and I am eternal, in my Father's Mind. In Y'shuas name, amen.

Prayer: The perfect peace

Prayer: The perfect peace

It matters not what our name is nor where we come, but only what You, Father, share through us. Blesses us all through the day with happiness and peace. Let us not interfere with Your plan today so peace would be restored to us. Share with us Your perfect Love so we will extend it in Your Name. We are complete and perfect because You created us like Yourself. Help us find our mind so we can see again What we truly are. Teach us true forgiveness, so we will not imprison Christ. Lead us and help us to identify all barriers of failure we have interposed between our Relationship. Help us become like little children so we can listed to your Voice. Let today be used for us to facilitate the coming of Your peace into our mind, one mind. Forever we are blessed as Part of You. In Y'shuas name, amen.

Prayer: Teach us

Prayer: Teach us

Father bless us with the truth and correct all illusions in our minds. Guide our every step toward the journey’s end, and send the witnesses of love our way. Help us by showing us what truly is, ever was, and will be, is the same as changeless as our Self. Send the angels before our every step so they will remove all stumbling blocks and make the way effortless and easy. Teach us what the wise brothers and sisters, who awoke from the dream learned. Teach us to recognize and understand what is true and what is false. Helpe us live the truth every instant of every day. Let us be aware of the internal Teacher You have sent, and be like Y'shua in every way. In Y'shua name forever is Your glory, amen.

Prayer: Of us to You

Prayer: Of us to You

Forever is Your glory, Father. Manifest Your Will through us today so we may share It to receive It. Purify our minds of all illusions and restore Your eternal Laws of perfect Love. Bless us with Your gifts so we can fulfill Your Will, which is our own, with ease and peace. Bless us with Your peace... Your strength…Your happiness… and Your Love… so we can follow Your Guide. Correct our perception and guide our thoughts with clarity and peace. Let us unite with Y'shua, and follow his example and the lessons he has learned for-to-all of us. Let us not wander into temptations, for temptations is not Your Will. Teach to truly forgive. Let us accept and use Christ vision so we may see what You would show us. Keep us mindful of Your Love for us and of our love for You. Let us listen to Your Voice within the holy instant, and allow the Holy Spirit to decide for us with all decisions we may come across. Let us be kind to one another and recognize we give it to our brothers so we may have it for ourself. Let us receive Your eternal Justice and recognize we are wholly sinless, guiltless, blessed as Your Expression. In Y'shuas name, amen.

Prayer Thankful Heart

Prayer: Thankful Heart

Father we honer You, in thankful heart we pray. Prepare our minds for Your Glory by practicing forgiveness. Bless us with Christ vision that we may see we are not separate form our brothers. Help us to recognize what You gave, and accept only what You would have us be. Today let us turn against our false decision, and see what we have made with lies. What is it You would ask of us today? We can accept only what we share. So therefore let us learn and teach that sharing peace is all we need. Today we turn all judgment into bliss, by giving all our thoughts away to Truth. Now we recognize we have no will apart from Your's. Be our guiding Light, our Father throught the darkened land. In peace and blessings we arise to praise and honer You forever. In Y'shuas name, amen.

The Memory Of God

The Memory Of God

As he wakes from the dream within a dream
He looks for meaning from the role he acts, but finds it not
His search will fail, in spite the fact he seeks for love, for he looks for it where it is not

Can’t satisfy his craving for completion
So he invents imaginary satisfactions that never last
He looks at death and sees fear but in his heart he knows only love is real

In his dream he dreams of guilt
The nightmares seem so real
And yet love will find its way back, when he will give away his miscreations

His willingness to know the truth diminishes all possibility of failure
So he welcomes today’s lesson knowing it is a step toward his Memory of God
And so he blesses everyone he thinks he meets, knowing he is blessed
No thought of fear nor guilt or sin can find the home inside his holy mind because he is choosing as the host One Who offers only peace

His Memory of Heaven restored to his mind in time and now he knows only the eternal

Him Who holds the universe within Himself

Him Who holds the universe within Himself

Happy is you who invited Him today so He may shine the light of Heaven on your holy mind and bless you with your heart’s desire

Come in dear child, nothing is there to fear of perfect love

Rejoice that walk you not alone but yes you hold the hand of Him Who holds the universe within Himself

So great the power of the universe that goes with you and nurtures your every step toward the journey’s end

The road for Heaven ascends into the light of God where you belong with all your brothers as your Self

There is no madness nor illusions, that may take many forms as you perceive them in this world, in Heaven

Nor is there vessels limiting your praise to your Creator

In Heaven you have all and you are all

Earth was made with change

Heaven created with-as changeless

Therefore seek not to understand Heaven with the limitations you made for yourself during your stay

But humble yourself and give your beliefs to Him Who would free you from the prison you made

And know that God loves you perfectly completely and eternally for you are His beloved Son in whom He is well pleased

Behold your brother as he is today

Behold your brother as he is today

In your deepest despair you call on my Name to uplift you

Your call for help will never be ignored for dear you are to Me

In journey you chose to undertake without a meaning there always is a war against yourself and your Creator

The nightmares came to your awareness because you called on them to replace God’s Creation

I would but guide you from your own mistakes to where no war can ever reach you there

This is where your Father Wills you are

God Wills you only good as He created you with perfect love

Nothing good is but His Will for you

The “good” you make to give yourself without your Father but gives you more of what you hate because not keep it you

For only His Will is there at all

The joys of hell are but illusions intended to replace the truth

The mind still cherishes illusions for a while more before it recognizes there are none but in dreams and fantasies of its own making

The light of Heaven shines everywhere you look as you choose let the past go; where nothing real kept in your sight

Behold your brother as he is today without errors of past choice which you perceived in him as sin, for where you have him be there will you believe you are

Give your brother the happiness, the joy, the peace, the strength and the love you want God to give you, for, as you give so shall you receive

And, what you share you strengthen, therefore share what you desire God bless you with

Christ Vision shows you; lovely is the world to you who know God and His holy Son as One where no illusions ever enter the reality of God, where the miracle of Love extends forever without end

To your brother offer your forgiveness as a sure sign that Heaven is your goal

See innocence in place of guilt in him who would return your gifts to you

And Heaven is known to you as an awareness of perfect oneness

Perfect happiness now

Perfect happiness now

God Wills you perfect happiness now

And is it possible that this is not also your brother’s and your will?

Must it be then that in this, joint will, you are all united

Then it must be, that this is where you meet the illusory enemies as friends for purpose unifies your goals

Think you not that future holds what present offers not

Nor will any more of things or castles bring you what you deny inside, for that is where the treasure lies

Not think you that some land is more important than another for what you fight amongst yourselves is not of value to Him Who values only perfect Love and you as part of what It means

Then lay the tiny little toys you made to play the painful game of war and follow Him Whom God gave to you so you may find that perfect happiness can only be accepted now with perfect peace and joy if so you wish

Nothing can the past serve when its sole dying echo “it is not here”

Know you then that only here and now can God be found

Seek not then Truth in past but in the present, which is a borrowed aspect of eternity where you belong

And in the end of time your brother holds your hand as Christ

And God’s Joy extends forever that His beloved Son is Whole within His well known Home where They abide in perfect Union as One

God’s sheep is found

God’s sheep is found

What is Love and what is lack of Love is not the same

Love holds within Itself everything and everyone, including you

Lack of love what you consider fear has no existence in reality for how can nothing be one with everything?

Holy Spirit comes to carry through the tiny little part of love that seeks its way back to perfect Wholeness

The little part of love you think is yours belongs to everyone as everything of love belongs to you

You seek but find it not for know you not what

What you seek you cannot find alone nor can you not find it, for Love Itself has found you and all your brothers at the end of time where Love knows Itself as Whole and you are part of Its completion

You are the little sheep that ran from everywhere away to nowhere forgot your Self, seeking to deny that you belong with God as One

Be calm and cool the sins you think you made God forgave, although they even never made

No sin can touch you who belong in God, for God is Love and Love is perfect in Itself without any delay

Evil or delay is fear of What you truly are as One with all creation

Evil has no power in itself as all power is of God, therefore fear will hold back as much as you are willing to delay your Homecoming to your Self and God

So seek not ways to blame the evil one for what you choose yourself to become, but withdraw all power given by you to your enemy over you, and give it to the Holy Spirit Who will teach you what is yours and what is God’s there is no difference

Therefore every brother belongs to you to whom God gave Himself

Rejoice you yes for no one will be left behind to die, as God Himself is incomplete without His Whole Herd

Knowledge Remembered Illusions Forgot

Knowledge Remembered Illusions Forgot

Always teach you what believe you, and always do the witnesses appear to testify what you believe reality to be

Teaching and giving is one, so it is true that what you give you receive

Therefore what you teach you always receive, and is it not true that you made beliefs about everything you perceive as you would have it be? Then you receive what you believe

Teaching, then, is everything you do, say, and think

Real teaching is only of the mind for the mind, therefore you teach what you think

Doing as well as speaking is the consequence of though which stems from your mind

Then mind teaches mind of its beliefs, but all are equally the same with this simple fact; all beliefs must change as they were made with doubt

Only certainty is changeless as Itself, therefore certainty knows all things like Itself as Itself as One

So now I say to you, "teach only love for that is what you are"

Give Holy Spirit every thought of fear, appearing as a doubt, to be replaced by Thoughts you think with God, which are forever changeless

In time you struggle, in timelessness you really rest, and where rest is there peace is welcome, offering-accepting simultaneous the Will of God as yours

Remember always to teach only through approach; that which wish you accomplish-succeed, and not that which you wish avoid-fail

Recognize now that failed you as a teacher, for taught yourself all things temporal you have - valueless in God’s Mind

Recognize you yes that what God values not has no life

And now resign as teacher of lies and instead accept the Teacher within your mind

Heaven is in you, and to know it you must be willing unlearn all that you tried teach yourself, which only obscures truth with illusions

Holy Spirit is here, let Him fulfill the function given by God

That knowledge remembered illusions forgot, is God’s Will for His Son