Sunday, November 23, 2008

There is a way in which you view the world as gone and past. Past as the one behind you and what is in front of you is peace. Peace is a state that requires no change. And if you are at peace you identify as the changeless awareness of all. Now let me ask you a question directly to your ego self belief. What is it that you cherish in the world that you made? And what is there that you made in it ever gave you everlasting fulfilment and peace? You see the belief in individuality happens on its own as a desire for something other then God. And as long as you desire for non Godly experience you are bound to be stuck in this dream. This dream exist only because you wish this. And when you wish it no more, you begin to recognize the senselessness of the whole thing in its core, namely your belief in it. If the dream exists only because we believe it so, then the dream will not exist if we no longer believe in it too. Its very simple logic. If you want something you must first recognize what it is you want, and what it is required of you to achieve it. If you no longer wish to experience individuality then I bid you come to Jesus and surrender your whole self to his guidance, that he may teach you what you truly want. When he guides your every step you cannot be wrong, because he is leading you trough your right mind. When you have relinquished the desire to control your experiences only then you can be controlled by him. And in this relinquishment is your remembrance of Home - your one and only Truth, your God.
We love you all and may the Love of God descend on you and keep you in His peace. Amen

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