Monday, September 22, 2008

Perfect happiness now

Perfect happiness now

God Wills you perfect happiness now

And is it possible that this is not also your brother’s and your will?

Must it be then that in this, joint will, you are all united

Then it must be, that this is where you meet the illusory enemies as friends for purpose unifies your goals

Think you not that future holds what present offers not

Nor will any more of things or castles bring you what you deny inside, for that is where the treasure lies

Not think you that some land is more important than another for what you fight amongst yourselves is not of value to Him Who values only perfect Love and you as part of what It means

Then lay the tiny little toys you made to play the painful game of war and follow Him Whom God gave to you so you may find that perfect happiness can only be accepted now with perfect peace and joy if so you wish

Nothing can the past serve when its sole dying echo “it is not here”

Know you then that only here and now can God be found

Seek not then Truth in past but in the present, which is a borrowed aspect of eternity where you belong

And in the end of time your brother holds your hand as Christ

And God’s Joy extends forever that His beloved Son is Whole within His well known Home where They abide in perfect Union as One

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