Monday, September 22, 2008

Behold your brother as he is today

Behold your brother as he is today

In your deepest despair you call on my Name to uplift you

Your call for help will never be ignored for dear you are to Me

In journey you chose to undertake without a meaning there always is a war against yourself and your Creator

The nightmares came to your awareness because you called on them to replace God’s Creation

I would but guide you from your own mistakes to where no war can ever reach you there

This is where your Father Wills you are

God Wills you only good as He created you with perfect love

Nothing good is but His Will for you

The “good” you make to give yourself without your Father but gives you more of what you hate because not keep it you

For only His Will is there at all

The joys of hell are but illusions intended to replace the truth

The mind still cherishes illusions for a while more before it recognizes there are none but in dreams and fantasies of its own making

The light of Heaven shines everywhere you look as you choose let the past go; where nothing real kept in your sight

Behold your brother as he is today without errors of past choice which you perceived in him as sin, for where you have him be there will you believe you are

Give your brother the happiness, the joy, the peace, the strength and the love you want God to give you, for, as you give so shall you receive

And, what you share you strengthen, therefore share what you desire God bless you with

Christ Vision shows you; lovely is the world to you who know God and His holy Son as One where no illusions ever enter the reality of God, where the miracle of Love extends forever without end

To your brother offer your forgiveness as a sure sign that Heaven is your goal

See innocence in place of guilt in him who would return your gifts to you

And Heaven is known to you as an awareness of perfect oneness

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