Since the separation has not occurred there is nothing to forgive. But as long as we think we are individuals separate in time and space, we have to use some helpful tools in undoing the blocks that obscure God to us. If the Course teaches that “A sense of separation from God is the only lack you really need correct” then the first and most effective way to undo the separation is to love God and remember God all the time. If you are capable of loving God, the true non-dualistic God, then you are moving toward your Self. This is the first major way of undoing the ego. Not many minds are ready to do exactly that, as Kenneth Wapnick, the greatest Course teacher, said “our existence depends on denying God”. So then it would be rarely indeed to be able to love God selflessly, which means you surrender your wish of individuality into the Hands of God and accept only what He gives, which is Life - your Self. You are not asked to be anything else but What you are already. But yet again you probably have still many block to overcome, just that. So let’s look into the second major way of undoing the ego; It is loving your brothers. Why it is the second major step is because when you love, in turn you forgive. What you love you are like. And if you overlook illusions, which is what forgiveness is, then you are loving what you truly are as part of your brothers. “Forgiveness recognizes what you thought your brother did to you has not occurred.”(ACIM.W.401.1:1) And so you are able to love your brother because he did not do anything. It’s so simple, when you get it you get. And what you give you receive. So that way you are forgiving yourself for what never happened. Great, let’s move on to the third major way of undoing the ego. Relinquishing judgment. This is the most difficult one to let go of. Why? Because it is your “defence against the truth”. It’s is a device in which you maintain your specialness and individuality, which don’t really exist in Reality. What you defend you cherish and think is valuable to you, but what you do not realize is that the thing you want you cannot really love! Why? Because love sees no differences. What you want is differences – individuality, specialness, and change. So the thing you want, which is specialness, you really hate. Because What you truly are is changeless and therefore unalterable. If you wish to experience duality that is your wish, but just to let you know: it’s an illusion. I know I know you heard it a thousand times. But do you really, really believe it? Do you live the principles of A Course In Miracles every day and every minute of the day? I bet most of you not. So let us help you get your head in the game and start undoing this ego trip we call life. It’s all just a dream we made up to run away from God.
The helpful things to remember when attempting to relinquish judgment is the following: That you do not want to judge because it hurts you. You need to associate pain and judgment together, that way it will be easier to let it go. As you will experience tremendous pain and suffering, when you build this association, therefore you will want to stop it completely. Another thing that will help you to get over judgment is forgiveness. Not the worlds forgiveness but true, seeing no differences kind of forgiveness. This forgiveness will quicken your way to God tremendously because you are acknowledging that God is Whole, at all times! You might say wait a second forgiveness is the quickest way Home to God. And that is true. Currently you are unable to use any other means to release your mind, other then forgiveness so that is what is given you. But there will come a time when even forgiveness will be left behind to dwell in the Presence of the Creator Himself. That is what we want for you. For you to really come in terms with yourself and remember that “you are doing this unto yourself”. Let’s continue our discussion. What is it that you want? What is it that you truly desire? Ask yourself now these questions and be honest, you cannot ascend if you have no honesty. Honesty says; I will hide nothing from no one, because I want to be free of guilt and pain and suffering. Honesty is the first step in undoing the ego. It states that “I do not know anything” and therefore this allows you to open up to the Holy Spirit, your internal Teacher. This is our first discussion in the many that will follow. Please stay tuned and come again as we have many helpful devices to undo the ego and remind you of your true and only Self as God’s Son. Peace and blessing from us all.
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